Hiiii! My name is Lechu and I'm a bot creator in J.AI. At the moment I only do smut bots since I'm more interested in them lol. My pronouns are she/they and I'm latina, so if my bots have grammar/spelling errors it's bc of that TT.

My bots are (in majority) PROBLEMATIC, I like dead dove and stepcest but if u don't like that that's ok! Just don't whine in the comments, my bots have warnings for a REASON. Scroll and ignore, simple as that. :]



about me

- smut

- dead dove

- stepcest

- literally anything



what do I do



what I DON'T do

- anything I find gross or don't like

- ex: poop fetishes, piss kink, and those kinds of stuff.

- underage characters



before you leave

please if you're going to request anything, be SPECIFIC, detail as much as u can and leave the link of the image u want the cover of the bot to be.

Also, if it's a character of a media (anime, movie, game, etc) PLEASE be SUUPERR specific on their lore, personality and that stuff.